4. Plan

Allocated up to 6% from the turnover of your downlines

The 4th Plan rewards you for building structure in depth and supporting your members to achieve Silver Manager positions and above.

A personal turnover of 100 points in a given month is required to receive commissions from the 4th Plan.

Double Silver Manager will receive 2% from the turnover of their two downlines that will reach the position of Silver Manager, down to the next Double Silver Manager of Gold Manager and higher.

Silver Manager Double Silver Manager alebo Gold Manager   and higher Double Silver Manager 2%

Gold Manager receives 2% from the turnover of their Silver Manager lines down to the next Double Silver Manager or Gold Manager and higher.

On top of this, 1% is paid out from the turnover of that Double Silver Manager or Gold Manager and higher down to the next Double Silver Manager or Gold Manager and higher.

Silver Manager Double Silver Manager alebo Gold Manager   and higher Double Silver Manager alebo Gold Manager   and higher Gold Manager   and higher 2% 1%

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